The (not so ) Young Persons’ Guide to the Orchestra

  • April 06, 2020
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Aurora Cineplex


Brian Carlile

Brian Carlile, born and brought up in the UK has a broad background in the world of professional music.

As a player in major symphony and chamber orchestras and as a session musician, conductor, contractor and organiser, his working life has taken him across continents and through society. As a music writer and arranger he has experienced the creative process from the ground up.

As a speaker he  gets to explore and share his perspectives and insights with interested audiences.

The (not so ) Young Persons’ Guide to the Orchestra

What an orchestra is, is a fairly straightforward question to answer. The questions of why and how an orchestra exists require somewhat more complex consideration. The answers go to the core of human experience and underscore the very value of life itself.

Far from being some elite-life peripheral luxury, concerted music-making matters to us all much more than we might ever imagine or realise. From a simple economic perspective, the orchestra, in its various forms, is at the heart of present-day multi-billion dollar industries.

This talk will describe why and how this is so. It will provide a better understanding of just what an orchestra is and can be. It will also take a look at what orchestral life is all about.

This event is part of the Spring  2020 Speaker series. Register for the Spring 2020 Event Series.

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