Mozart - The Musicians’ Musician and Everyman's Composer

  • November 09, 2020
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Zoom virtual meeting


Brian Carlile

Brian Carlile, born and brought up in the UK has a broad background in the world of professional music.

As a player in major symphony and chamber orchestras and as a session musician, conductor, contractor and organiser, his working life has taken him across continents and through society. As a music writer and arranger he has experienced the creative process from the ground up.

As a speaker he gets to explore and share his perspectives and insights with interested audiences.

Mozart - The Musicians’ Musician and Everyman's Composer

Our fascination with this creative genius has been the subject of myth, rumour and speculation for centuries despite an abundance of authoritative first hand documentary evidence of his life and thinking.

Brian will provide his modern-day performer’s perspective to try and explain why Mozart continues to be revered and feared in equal measure by professional musicians worldwide. “Too easy for amateurs and too hard for professionals” is an oft quoted warning! Despite this, he is the composer who speaks to everyone in some way.  Put simply, his music is so perfect it seems inevitable that we will fail every attempt to play it perfectly.

Examining the real facts around his life and work just amplifies the awe in which we all still hold him.

This event is part of the Fall 2020 Speaker series. 

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