TALYR Annual General Meeting
As with all registered Not-for-Profit organizations, TALYR has a requirement to hold an Annual General Meeting of Members (AGM). All paid up members are invited to this meeting.
The meeting will take place immediately following our webinar on October 25th (i.e. at 12 noon). While we expect it to be brief, it is important because past and future goals and issues will be reviewed, and the slate of executive board members will be updated, as required.
Below are links to the AGM Agenda as well as other documents that will be discussed at this year's meeting. Ideally attendees will have reviewed them prior to the start of the meeting.
We look forward to your feedback at this Zoom meeting. All Members will receive a Zoom Meeting link to join this AGM via separate email.
TALYR AGM Agenda - October 25, 2021.pdf
TALYR AGM Minutes - October 19 2020 FINAL VERSION.pdf
TALYR 2021 Financial Statements.pdf
TALYR Board and Officers 2021-2022.pdf